Movember is back & we're going club wide....
As you may be aware the 1st of November kick starts 'Movember' where 'The month formerly known as November, is when brave and selfless men around the world grow a moustache, and women step up to support them'.
By becoming a Mo Bro or Sister, you are helping to make a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.
EGHC for many years now has supported this amazing cause with various Mo Bro's partaking from around the club.
Our Men's 2nd XI initially started the campaign many years ago, however over the years this has widened to our Men's 1st XI.
Furthermore we would love for you all to be involved across the WHOLE club. It doesn't matter if your a Mo Bro or Mo Sister anyone can get involved.
Last year the team raised a huge £1,899! However this year we would love to smash that target and reach £2,000!
It's not just growing a Mo for Movember, there are others ways which you can also get involved...
Move for Mental Health
60 men are lost to suicide globally, every hour. You don't need to grow a moustache to take part in Movember. All you have to do is run or walk 60km.
Cover the distance in one go or over the month.
Join the team on our page & sync your fitness tracker… it's as simple as that.
If you would like to donate or join the team please click HERE
Please keep an eye on our socials and The Grinner for all updates across the month..
Thank you in advance for your support!